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Getting Started

This guide will help you get started with using sieves for zero-shot and few-shot NLP tasks with structured generation.

Basic Concepts

sieves is built around four main concepts:

  1. Documents (Doc): The basic unit of text that you want to process. A document can be created from text or a URI.
  2. Engines: Components responsible for generating structured output using various LLM backends (outlines, DSPy, LangChain, etc.)
  3. Tasks: NLP operations you want to perform on your documents (classification, information extraction, etc.)
  4. Pipeline: A sequence of tasks that process your documents

Quick Start Example

Here's a simple example that performs text classification:

import outlines
from sieves import Pipeline, engines, tasks, Doc

# Create a document
doc = Doc(text="Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity.")

# Initialize the engine (using a small but capable model)
engine = engines.outlines_.Outlines(

# Create and run the pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([tasks.predictive.Classification(labels=["science", "politics"], engine=engine)])

# Print the classification result
for doc in pipeline([doc]):

Working with Documents

Documents can be created in several ways:

# From text
doc = Doc(text="Your text here")

# From a file (requires docling)
doc = Doc(uri="path/to/your/file.pdf")

# With metadata
doc = Doc(
    text="Your text here",
    meta={"source": "example", "date": "2025-01-31"}

Advanced Example: PDF Processing Pipeline

Here's a more involved example that:

  1. Parses a PDF document
  2. Chunks it into smaller pieces
  3. Performs information extraction on each chunk
import outlines
import chonkie
import tokenizers
import pydantic
from sieves import Pipeline, engines, tasks, Doc

# Create a tokenizer for chunking
tokenizer = tokenizers.Tokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")

# Initialize components
chunker = tasks.preprocessing.Chonkie(
    chunker=chonkie.TokenChunker(tokenizer, chunk_size=512, chunk_overlap=50)

# Initialize an engine for information extraction
engine = engines.outlines_.Outlines(model=outlines.models.transformers("HuggingFaceTB/SmolLM-135M-Instruct"))

# Define the structure of information you want to extract
class PersonInfo(pydantic.BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int | None = None
    occupation: str | None = None

# Create an information extraction task
extractor = tasks.predictive.InformationExtraction(

# Create the pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([

# Process a PDF document
doc = Doc(text="Marie Curie died at the age of 66 years.")
results = list(pipeline([doc]))

# Access the extracted information
for result in results:

Supported Engines

sieves supports multiple engines for structured generation:

Each engine has a different set of supported models, pros and cons. Choose the engine that best fits your use case and model requirements.